Friends of the West Harford Cooperative Parish,
Please visit our YouTube channel to get announcements, hear messages our pastors have prepared for the Sundays we have been closed to worshipping in our facility and other information. West Harford Coop YouTube
Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Good Shepherd. Although we may have good reason to be concerned about the coronavirus pandemic, we know that the Lord walks with us in all things, even in the valley of the shadow of death. It is good to rest in his arms, and to lean on his strength.
We must also remember that we are called to love our neighbor, and even our enemy, no matter the circumstances. As the West Harford Cooperative Parish, we can do this in two ways. First, by taking reasonable steps to help contain the spread of the virus. Second, through acts of mercy and compassion for those who are most effected by the virus and by the closure of schools and other parts of normal life.
For the first, helping to contain the spread of the virus, here is what we are currently doing as parish:
–Worship: There are no worship services at our buildings currently. “in keeping with directives from local governments to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling directs churches throughout the BWC to refrain from gathering in their buildings through Sunday, April 26.” Instead, we ask that you plan to pause for a time of family prayer and devotion when your congregation usually meets (at either 9, 9:30, or 10:45) on Sunday morning and join us in worship in your home using the weekly worship guidelines posted in our News & Events.
–Sunday School/Bible study: Check our YouTube channel for Bible Studies and Messages from Pastor Mark and Pastor Jane: West Harford Coop YouTube
–Meetings: There should be no church-related activities onsite or offsite for the next two weeks. This includes Bible studies, meetings, rehearsals. If you must come to church, please do so one at a time, with no more than 3 people being at church at the same time.
For the second, acts of mercy and compassion, here is what we are doing:
–Congregational Care: Sometime this week, please call the person or family who sits closest to you on Sunday mornings, just to check in and see how they are doing. Also, Pastor Mark will continue conducting hospital visits.
-Community Care: The Food Pantry at Centre will remain open as long as possible. The hours are Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m.
-Collection: Many of us will not be going to coffee shops, restaurants, movies, or other places we would normally go during the week. Please consider setting aside the money you would spend at those places for a collection we will take up later to care for those in our community who are struggling most.
As things change, we will continue to adapt and to listen for how God is calling us. If you have specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Finally, please pass along the above information to those you know do not have access to email.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark